On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Andrew DeFaria  wrote:
> On 5/29/2014 6:42 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
>> As a
>> result, you will never get code compiled with g++ to link with these
>> libraries.  There is no common ABI among C++ compilers.  Thus, the
>> libraries
>> and headers of one can't be used as input to the compiler of another, even
>> on the same platform.  This only works for C code.  So you have to either
>> build the proprietary libs with Cygwin's C++ compiler or write your own
>> "shim" library that wraps the necessary calls and objects in a C API,
>> compile that with VS, and link your program against the APIs in your
>> library.

@Larry: Would this work? I think MSVC produces obj and lib files in
COFF; can Cygwin's toolchain understand that?

> Being as this code is proprietary I doubt that Perforce will release it to
> me to compile but I will point them at this thread...'

Maybe you can convince them to build a Cygwin version (not very likely).

GCS a+ e++ d- C++ ULS$ L+$ !E- W++ P+++$ w++$ tv+ b++ DI D++ 5++
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Life is complex, with real and imaginary parts.
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