This is a followup to the 1.7.30-1 problem that was reported in:

I have detailed exact problem and have included screen shots

In Summary, the problem is that a user password, other than the user logged in, 
cannot be updated using the
passwd -R command 

In version 1.7.30-1 the command "passwd -R <username>" fails with the following 
"Storing password failed: No such file or directory"

The overall goal is to have the following command work successfully

    echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | passwd -R <username>

The original issue is related to something that Corinna was working on.




Below are details with screen shots


Below is summary and associated screen output using version 1.7.25

1) Version is 1.7.25

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
    $ passwd -v
    passwd (cygwin) 1.7.25
    Password Utility
    Copyright (C) 1999 - 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

2) passwd -R command works for current user logged in, in this case user is 
  Notice that the message text "This functionality stores a password in the 
registry...etc" is displayed
  before the user is prompted to enter the passwords. Also notice that the 
passwords type in are not

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
    $ passwd -R
    This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
    which need to change the user context and require network access.  Typical
    applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
    This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
    about to switch the user context.

    Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
    secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
    Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

    You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.

    Enter your current password:
    Re-enter your current password:

3) passwd -R <username> . This command with <username> allows the logged in 
user to update password for
  another user. This works in versions prior to 1.7.30-1.
    Example below user tadadmin user:  passwd -R tadadmin

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
    $ passwd -R tadadmin
    This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
    which need to change the user context and require network access.  Typical
    applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
    This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
    about to switch the user context.

    Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
    secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
    Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

    You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.

    Enter tadadmin's current password:
    Re-enter tadadmin's current password:

4) As we know, piping in the pasword to the passwd -R command does not work. 
User stil gets prompted to
  enter password. This is what was addressed and sort of resolved in version 

    Following commands do not work:

      echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | passwd -R 
      echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | passwd -R <username>

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin
    $ echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | passwd -R tadadmin
    This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
    which need to change the user context and require network access.  Typical
    applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
    This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
    about to switch the user context.

    Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
    secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
    Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

    You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.

    Enter tadadmin's current password:


Below is summary and associated screen output using version new version 1.7.30-1

5) Version is 1.7.30

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/d/cygwin1.7.30
    $ ./passwd -v
    passwd (cygwin) 1.7.30
    Password Utility
    Copyright (C) 1999 - 2014 Red Hat, Inc.
    This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

6) passwd -R command works for current user logged in, in this case user is 
  Notice that the password typed in is displayed. Password is not displayed in 
previous versions.
  Also notice that the text mesage ("This functionality stores a password ... " 
..etc") is displayed
  after the user enters password. In previous versions (i.e. 1.7.25), the text 
message is displayed
  before the usser enter passwords.

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/d/cygwin1.7.30
    $ ./passwd -R
    Enter your current password: Home1Del

    Re-enter your current password: Home1Del
    This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
    which need to change the user context and require network access.  Typical
    applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
    This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
    about to switch the user context.

    Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
    secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
    Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

    You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.

7) echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | passwd -R  . This command works and is the 
issue addressed in
  original problem. :)

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/d/cygwin1.7.31-1
    $ echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | ./passwd -R
    Enter your current password:
    Re-enter your current password:
    This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
    which need to change the user context and require network access.  Typical
    applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
    This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
    about to switch the user context.

    Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
    secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
    Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

    You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.

8) passwd -R <username> - This commadn no longer works. It worked in prior 
versions.  When executed, we
  see following error:
    "Storing password failed: No such file or directory"

  As expected, we get same error when piping in password using:

    echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | passwd -R <username>

  This is what I am looking to get resolved. Would like the ability to update 
password for a user other
  than the user logged in.

    Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/d/cygwin1.7.30
    $ ./passwd -R tadadmin
    Enter tadadmin's current password: password1

    Re-enter tadadmin's current password: password1

    Storing password failed: No such file or directory
    This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
    which need to change the user context and require network access.  Typical
    applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
    This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
    about to switch the user context.

    Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
    secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
    Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

    You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.


  Administrator@TXFCLDW015D /cygdrive/d/cygwin1.7.31-1
    $ echo -e 'Passw0rd1\nPassw0rd1' | ./passwd -R tadadmin
    Enter tadadmin's current password:
    Re-enter tadadmin's current password:
    Storing password failed: No such file or directory
    This functionality stores a password in the registry for usage by services
    which need to change the user context and require network access.  Typical
    applications are interactive remote logons using sshd, cron task, etc.
    This password will always tried first when any privileged application is
    about to switch the user context.

    Note that storing even obfuscated passwords in the registry is not overly
    secure.  Use this feature only if the machine is adequately locked down.
    Don't use this feature if you don't need network access within a remote

    You can delete the stored password by specifying an empty password.

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