On 01/07/2014 06:52, David Masterson wrote:
Jeff Hubbs <jhubbsl...@att.net> writes:

On 6/27/14, 9:35 PM, David Masterson wrote:
Hmmm. Then why is LPR the default for printing from GV ?  GV was able
to display the file fine

GV isn't like your printer.  Your printer may react as intended if you
were sending it Postscript because it may have the code inside to
render PS for its print engine, but if you simply direct a PDF file to
it, it's going to barf.

What does Adobe Acrobat Reader under Windows?  As I mentioned, I can
print the file using Acrobat under Windows without a problem.

Acrobat -> printer driver -> printer

Without the step in the middle, usually, garbage is expected;
only exception is when sending a Postscript file to a Postscript printer.

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