On 07/17/2014 08:10 PM, David Masterson wrote:
I attempted to reinstall Cygwin on my system.  The reinstall kept
seeming to get locked up.  So, after downloading all of Cygwin to a
local directory, I moved the install directory out of the way and tried
to install from (I guess) scratch.  Cygwin seemed to always get stuck in
the man-db.sh script during the post-install process.  I'm not sure if
the process was conflicting with the McAfee virus scanner.  I was
finally able to kill the man-db.sh script after ~12 hours of running and
the installer seemed to go on and finish the installation.  I'm not
sure, though, what the state of the install is.

1. Is this a known problem?

Yes, it has been discussed recently on the list.

2. Can I rerun the postinstall/man-db.sh script by hand?  If so, how?

You can.  Just run it from bash.

3. Or is there a script that I could run instead?

No, man-db.sh is the right script if you're looking to get all the
indexing that man-db prefers.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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