Greetings, Andrew DeFaria!

>>>>> When it is, how would I
>>>>> install it?
>>>> The existing code is in almost all developer snapshots of the last few
>>>> months.  Just try the last one from and
>>>> read my preliminary documentation attached to this mail again (and
>>>> which, incidentally, is now in the offical docs in the repo as well).
>>> I guess I was just curious as to what the package name might be...
>>> NIS? AD
>>> or ActiveDirectory or CygwinUserIntegration...
>> The implementation is part of the Cygwin DLL so it lives in the cygwin
>> package.  That's why Corinna was directing you towards the Cygwin snapshots
>> page.

> Ah yes. That makes sense I guess. But does this mean that things will 
> come in with the base package like /etc/nsswitch.conf, etc?

No(*), but you may use it.

*) "No" in sense that it will work with default settings out of the box, at
maximum providing a template /etc/nsswitch.conf file for possible
Right now, I'm running with bare hands (no /etc/{nsswitch.conf,passwd,group}).
And I like how it works so far.

Andrey Repin ( 31.07.2014, <02:12>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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