On Sun, Aug 10, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Marco Atzeri <marco.atz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 10/08/2014 17:39, Doug Henderson wrote:
>> The detection of problems with these 4 files appears to be a false
>> positive.
> Hi Doug
> Can you open a false positive report to AVG ?
> http://www.avg.com/submit-sample
> Regards
> Marco


If someone with a 32-bit install of cygwin has the python-setuptools
package installed and uses AVG Free 2014, could they check the
/lib/python*/site-packages/setuptools directories. There is no problem
detected while (re)installing the package, only when doing a scan
which includes the named directories.


Doug Henderson, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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