I'm trying to figure out how sshd comes up with the PATH for the initial
environment.  Currently I get the Windows sytem PATH (converted to POSIX)
and then /bin appended.  This is no good, at least /bin should be at the
beginning of that PATH.

I've not been able to change this system-wide so far.  Apparently sshd has
been built on a machine where /etc/default/login wasn't present, at least it
doesn't appear to try to read that file (or any other system file) for
setting up the initial environment.  The /etc/sshrc is run if I create it,
but you can't set any environment variables from within it.  I don't want to
enable user environments.

I think it would be nice if there was a system file that could set the
initial environment for sshd, maybe setting external_path_file to
/etc/ssh_environment fits in better with the default Cygwin /etc layout, though.


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