> -----Original Message-----
> From: cygwin-owne at cygwin.com on Behalf Of Denis
> Sent: Friday, August 15, 2014 21:39
> I'm trying unsuccesfully to get cron to work under 64-bit cywin under Win7
> Pro.  First, I tried running as myself (running cygwin with system
> administrator privilege):
> $ cron-config
> Do you want to install the cron daemon as a service? (yes/no) yes Enter
> value of CYGWIN for the daemon: [ ]
> Do you want the cron daemon to run as yourself? (yes/no) yes
> WARNING: User dkertz appears 2 times in /etc/passwd.
> This may confuse the system
> Edit /etc/passwd and assign unique user ids.

> From the above you can see the warning about my login appearing twice in
> /etc/passwd:
> $ grep dkertz /etc/passwd
> dkertz:unused:1003:513:dkertz,U-USNAVN0D011H46\dkertz,
> S-1-5-21-2470246883-414681431-158823764-1003:/home/dkertz:/bin/bash
> dkertz:unused:295587:10513:U-NA02\dkertz,
> S-1-5-21-2112754840-354624142-596004286-
> 285587:/home/dkertz:/bin/bash
> USNAVN0D011H46 is the PC machine name and NA02 is the domain set up by
> corporate IT.  Does this suggest IT has messed up?  I log into the PC
using the
> na02\dkertz login.
> Thinking this login duplication might be the problem, I changed
> to contain only the first login and then only the second login with the
> results - logon failure when running cron-config.
> Now the cron runs but a scheduled cron job doesn't run and this is what
> cronevents shows:
> 2014/08/15 19:41:01 [SYSTEM] /usr/sbin/cron: PID 4692: (dkertz) WRONG
> FILE OWNER (tabs/dkertz)

There is no doubt that your problems are caused by the duplicate entry.
There is no enough info to explain everything but note that according to
when an entry can't be found in /etc/passwd it is now autogenerated.

So I suggest that you try the following to sort things out better:
- restore the original /etc/passwd with the 2 dkertz
- manually edit /etc/passwd and rename one of them, for example one of them
to NA02_dkertz
- if you have renamed the dkertz you have login with, log out of Cygwin and
start a new shell
- make sure the crontab in /var/cron/tabs/ has the name of and is owned by
the dkertz you want, and is readable by administrators
- try starting cron again. If starting as yourself, make sure you are the
one who owns the crontab.
Sorry I can't help more, but I don' have a 64 bit system nor easy access to
a domain account and I have not kept track with the way Cygwin maps user



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