I upgraded to the latest cygwin earlier today (it has probably been
a month or more since I last updated) and now a program that has been
working is crashing (segfault) when calling dlclose(). dlopen() and
calling a function in the DLL still works just fine. An older version
of the program still works correctly so it's not just simply calling
dlclose() but something more context dependent. This is on 32-bit XP
machine (yes I know it's out of date, but I still need it to support
some legacy customers for a bit longer). Are there any suggestions on
how to debug this? All I get in GDB is segfault and no file or
line information. I compiled the entire program including the DLL with
-O0 -g. Cygcheck -c is clean. At the moment I do not have access to a
windows machine with a newer OS. I will not be able to reply to questions
until Monday.

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