On 17/09/2014 10:56, Michael Osipov wrote:
> Am 2014-09-16 um 19:59 schrieb Csaba Raduly:
>> Hi Michael,

> Unfortunately, it is not:
> ...
> (cd /home/mosipov/asciidoc/bin; ln -sf asciidoc.py asciidoc)
> (cd /home/mosipov/asciidoc/bin; ln -sf a2x.py a2x)

have you thought to look on asciidoc source ?
The install system is very poor, so it is not an issue of make..

However with

$ autoreconf -ifv
$ ./configure --prefix=/asciidoc
$ make install DESTDIR="/tmp/foo"

I was able to install in "/tmp/foo/asciidoc"

same for any other destination

> Michael


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