> The path argument to find must be a directory.

Sorry, but I can't let this go by. The statement above is incorrect,
as a simple test like "find /etc/passwd -print" would show.


On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Gary Johnson <garyj...@spocom.com> wrote:
> On 2014-09-17, Paul.Domaskis wrote:
>> <Paul.Domaskis> writes:
>> ><Paul.Domaskis> writes:
>> >> I'm using the following 64-bit packages:
>> >>
>> >>    cygwin 1.7.28-2 bash-completion 1.3-1
>> >>
>> >> If I am in a folder that contains file _vimrc and directory
>> >> _vimfiles, filename completion doesn't respond.  I type "ls _" or
>> >> "ls _v" and press tab -- nothing happens.  I can't really do
>> >> anything about it because it took months to approve the use of
>> >> cygwin install CDs made near the beginning of the year, but I was
>> >> wondering the problem is reproducible by others?
>> >
>> > Oops, my bad.  The phrase "file _vimrc and directory _vimfiles" should
>> > read "files _vimrc and _viminfo".  The directory is actually
>> > "vimfiles" and has no underscore.
>> I'm not sure if this is a false alarm, but I have another error in my
>> original post, due to my haste in cobbling together an arbitrary
>> example.  In actuality, completion does not fail for "ls _v".  It
>> fails for "find _v".  But it works for other commands like ls and
>> find.  Again, lack of completion fails only when trying to specify
>> filenames starting with underscore as arguments to the find command.
> File names or directory names?  The path argument to find must be a
> directory, so the bash-completion function for find completes only
> directory names when it is expecting the path argument.  Bash alone,
> without the bash-completion package, doesn't know anything about
> find's arguments and will complete file names, too.
> The ls command, on the other hand, can be used to list files or
> directories so the ls bash-completion function expands both.
> Regards,
> Gary
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