Eliot Moss wrote:
On 9/23/2014 8:47 AM, Paulo César Pereira de Andrade wrote:

   I am almost done porting https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/lightning
to cygwin and windows64 abi. But I found a problem with the ffs function.

   The test case is simple:

$ cat x.c
extern int ffs(int);
int main(void) {
long l = 0x80000000;
int i = ffs((int)l);
return 0;

$ gcc -O0 -g3 x.c

$ ./a.exe
Segmentation fault (...)

WJFFM in 32 bit cygwin.

It fails under 64 bit cygwin.

This segfaults if gcc -fno-builtin option is used:

These work:

Likely a subtle problem in table based ffs() implementation in winsup/cygwin/syscalls.cc if only upper bit is set. The newlib version of ffs() works.


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