Jim Garrison <jhg <at> jhmg.net> writes:
> This is a newly built win7.1 x64 system with Cygwin 32-bit
> installed.  I recently ran the Cygwin installer to get updates
> and at the end of installation in the log I see:
> 2014/10/13 23:29:18 running: cmd.exe /c
> "C:\cygwin\etc\postinstall\autorebase.bat"
> gzip: /etc/setup/font-adobe-dpi75.lst.gz: not in gzip format
> gzip: /etc/setup/font-alias.lst.gz: not in gzip format
> gzip: /etc/setup/font-encodings.lst.gz: not in gzip format
> gzip: /etc/setup/font-misc-misc.lst.gz: not in gzip format
> gzip: /etc/setup/fontconfig.lst.gz: not in gzip format

These files seem to be corrupt for whatever reason.  Remove them and
re-install those packages manually.

> rebase: "/etc/rebase.db.i386" is not a valid rebase database.

Remove it.


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