However, after assuming that developers are smarter than I am, i found it.

In XP I would have zero problems, but I was using Seven! I created a
per-user variable "CYGWIN" thinking that it will be visible to all

But operating system thinks otherwise - per-user variables only affect
programs launched under his account.

Programs with elevated priveleges happen to not count because they are
launched with "SYSTEM" account.

You should have asked me about whether "CYGWIN" is visible in the
output of "set" command - it wasn't.

Making CYGWIN a system variable worked as it should.

2014-09-23 0:46 GMT+04:00, Andrey Repin <>:
> Greetings, Пётр Б.!
>> I was frustrated by not being able to view CMD of Cygwin processes in
>> Windows tools. After a bit of research I found the talk about the
>> wincmdln option and saw it mentioned in changelog.
>> However, setting it did not take any effect even after reboot,
>> Windows 7 SP1 Prof x64, Cygwin x86_64.
>> Am I doing it wrong?
> I hope you aren't using 32-bit tools to view environemnt of 64-bit
> applications, do you?
> CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning wincmdln winsymlinks:nativestrict
>> From Far x86:
> Module:                bash.exe
> PID:                   5168
> Parent PID:            7468
> Priority:              8
> Threads:               6
> Owner:                 daemon2\anrdaemon
> (S-1-5-21-2916456319-725650362-4229827469-1000)
> Session:               1
> Started at:            00:42:16
> Uptime:                00:00:51
> GDI Objects:           4
> USER Objects:          1
> Processor Time:          00:00:00.000       0%
> Privileged Time:         00:00:00.000       0%
> User Time:               00:00:00.000       0%
> Handle Count:                   131
> Page File Bytes:            6852608
> Page File Bytes Peak:       6856704
> Working Set:                5939200
> Working Set Peak:           5939200
> Pool Nonpaged Bytes:           8824
> Pool Paged Bytes:             99792
> Private Bytes:              6852608
> Page Faults:                   1464      0/sec
> Virtual Bytes:            599552000
> Virtual Bytes Peak:       599552000
> IO Data Bytes:                 6398      0/sec
> IO Read Bytes:                 6313      0/sec
> IO Write Bytes:                  85      0/sec
> IO Other Bytes:                4328      0/sec
> IO Data Operations:               9      0/sec
> IO Read Operations:               6      0/sec
> IO Write Operations:              3      0/sec
> IO Other Operations:            237      0/sec
> Modules:
>   Base      Size    Path, version, description
>   75761282  2C5B30
>> From Far x86_64:
> Module:                bash.exe
> Full path:             C:\Programs\Cygwin_64\bin\bash.exe
> PID:                   5168
> Parent PID:            7468
> Priority:              8
> Threads:               6
> Owner:                 daemon2\anrdaemon
> (S-1-5-21-2916456319-725650362-4229827469-1000)
> Session:               1
> Started at:            00:42:16
> Uptime:                00:01:31
> Command Line:
> C:\Programs\Cygwin_64\bin\bash.exe
> Current Directory:     D:\PlugRing\Utils\
> Environment:
> PATH=C:\Programs\Cygwin_64\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA
> Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program
> Files\WinRAR;C:\Program
> Files\7-Zip;C:\DrWeb;C:\Programs\Subversion\bin;C:\Users\anrdaemon\bin;C:\usr\util;C:\usr\ARH;C:\USR\BP7\BIN;C:\usr\FPC-2.4.2\bin\i386-Win32;C:\Programs\CVSNT\
> WINDIR=C:\Windows
> GDI Objects:           4
> USER Objects:          1
> Processor Time:          00:00:00.000       0%
> Privileged Time:         00:00:00.000       0%
> User Time:               00:00:00.000       0%
> Handle Count:                   131
> Page File Bytes:            6852608
> Page File Bytes Peak:       6856704
> Working Set:                5939200
> Working Set Peak:           5939200
> Pool Nonpaged Bytes:           8824
> Pool Paged Bytes:             99792
> Private Bytes:              6852608
> Page Faults:                   1464      0/sec
> Virtual Bytes:            599552000
> Virtual Bytes Peak:       599552000
> IO Data Bytes:                 6398      0/sec
> IO Read Bytes:                 6313      0/sec
> IO Write Bytes:                  85      0/sec
> IO Other Bytes:                4328      0/sec
> IO Data Operations:               9      0/sec
> IO Read Operations:               6      0/sec
> IO Write Operations:              3      0/sec
> IO Other Operations:            237      0/sec
> Modules:
>   Base      Size    Path, version, description
>   0000000100400000   A8000 C:\Programs\Cygwin_64\bin\bash.exe
> ...cut...
> Handles:
> Handle  Access   Type         Name
>     4  00000009
>     8  00000003
> ...cut...
> --
> WBR,
> Andrey Repin ( 23.09.2014, <0:41>
> Sorry for my terrible english...

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