On 10/21/2014 1:33 AM, Tony Kelman wrote:
openblas is written in C

More assembly than C according to github's count. I'm used to building
the full version of openblas including their optimized implementations
of lapack routines, which bring in libgfortran. So nevermind.

I avoided to include lapack as for compatibility
I will need to split exactly as netlib in


something for the future.

USE_THREAD=1 and  USE_OPENMP=1, can be used dynamically ;
if I am not wrong.

What does your Makefile.conf say for NUM_CORES? I can't seem to get a
test program with your build to use more than 2 cores (I have 4 + HT)
by setting the OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS environment variable.

I will ask on the OpenBlas mailing list



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