"ls" reports a 2.6Gb file as being huge!  This is under an XP Pro, NTFS 
partition with cygwin, 1.3.17-1 using ls from fileutils, 4.1-1.  The 
following shows the incorrect size for fred3.zero from "ls" and the correct 
size from a similar dir command.

The file was created with:  dd if=/dev/zero of=fred3.zero bs=4096 count=655370

******* Cygwin bash shell *******

edwards@MONTESA ~
$ ls -l *.z*
-rw-rw-rw-    1 edwards  None        12288 Nov 30 10:57 fred1.zero
-rw-rw-rw-    1 edwards  None     1610612736 Nov 30 11:05 fred2.zero
-rw-rw-rw-    1 edwards  None     18446744072098979840 Nov 30 11:14 fred3.zero

edwards@MONTESA ~
$ ls -hl *.z*
-rw-rw-rw-    1 edwards  None          12k Nov 30 10:57 fred1.zero
-rw-rw-rw-    1 edwards  None         1.5G Nov 30 11:05 fred2.zero
-rw-rw-rw-    1 edwards  None          16E Nov 30 11:14 fred3.zero

******* DOS Command Prompt *******

C:\cygwin\home\edwards>dir *z*
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is C4C0-5C1C

 Directory of C:\cygwin\home\edwards

10/19/2002  06:05 PM               477 .zip
11/30/2002  10:57 AM            12,288 fred1.zero
11/30/2002  11:05 AM     1,610,612,736 fred2.zero
11/30/2002  11:14 AM     2,684,395,520 fred3.zero
               4 File(s)  4,295,021,021 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   6,434,316,288 bytes free


David Edwards
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