Greetings, Mike Brown!

>> > I'm tired of creating pairs of script files:  a clickable .BAT file
>> > to invoke my shell script and then my shell script to do the actual
>> > work.
>> google: cygwin shell wrapper script
>> I posted mine in the mailing list not once, and it's not the only available
>> solution.

> I'm curious.  Why go through all of what you wrote when all you need to do
> is execute the shell script?  I'm a Z-shell user and have a bunch of scripts
> that I run.

Scripts aren't executed in vacuum. And the question is not limited to SHELL

> Maybe the secret is not to try and start a script from within a command 
> prompt.
> Start cygwin xterms.

Why? I don't need no friggin xterm, I need to run a script.
Is this a hard concept to grasp?

> I have two that I start up after booting the system.
> The scripts are in my home/bin path, so they are found.

> It is as simple as that.

Simple as what?
I don't understand, what "two" you have and what you are actually doing.

> It is true that they are not "clickable," but entering the script name in
> the xterm also allows me to also include parameters/options.

I don't know the name, I have a script that I want to run. Here. Now. Why
can't I just click it?

Andrey Repin ( 10.11.2014, <05:07>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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