On Mon, Nov 10, 2014 at 04:04:53PM +0300, Pavel Fedin wrote:
>  Today i have updated 64-bit Cygwin and my antivirus gave me an alert:
> --- cut ---
> Filename      Risk            Action          Risk Type       Original
> Location                              Computer        User
> Status
> rational.so   Trojan.ADH      Pending Analysis        File; Virus
> C:\cygwin64\lib\ruby\2.0.0\mathn\     FEDINW7X64      p.fedin Infected
> --- cut ---
>  Can anybody recheck this ?

This has previously been reported on the main list; see the below link
and its replies.


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subscribed to that; the cygwin-apps list is for package maintainers to
discuss packaging issues, not for discussing problems with a package.

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