On 11/11/2014 4:31 PM, phil rosenberg wrote:

This is discussed in the texlive release announcement


under the heading "Fontconfig".  See also


Yaakov, could we get a fontconfig update that fixes this?



Having read that post and already seen the discussion about the Windows fonts 
folder I can understand that it should not be the responsibility of fontconfig 
to include (and by implication keep up to date) the latex fonts.

The situation with the Windows fonts folder is completely different. It's not maintained by Cygwin, and it can be changed without the user even being aware of it. Cygwin apps might try to use fonts in that folder without knowing that the font cache is out of date.

Fonts installed by texlive are different because the texlive postinstall scripts call fc-cache whenever fonts are installed. So the font caches are kept up to date. All that's needed for this to work is for /etc/fonts/fonts.conf to list the appropriate directories, as they used to.

Maybe I could suggest the texlive-collection-* packages add the appropriate 
folder in a file/symlinked file in /etc/fonts/conf.d

That's certainly another option, and I'll do it that way if Yaakov (the fontconfig maintainer) prefers it.


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