On 11/12/2014 2:16 PM, Warren Young wrote:
What local changes/installations get lost?

Currently, if you nuke a default installation into c:\cygwin, you lose /home, 
/etc, /var and /usr/local, all of which contain user files and/or local system 

Technically user files can exist anywhere in the file system, including C:\cygwin or /etc, /var, etc., or they could be put directly into /bin, /usr or /usr/sbin or whatever. You're just saying that *traditionally* these are the areas that *smart* users limit their local changes too.

It's a nice guideline but there are no guarantees...

Apparently those of us who have been using Cygwin for years and just need to do 
a clean reinstall for some reason are expected to know enough not to take step 
4 too literally.

I've been using Cygwin since 2003 (does that qualify me?) and have never feel the need to reinstall. However, as a contractor I've often had the need to install again...
Andrew DeFaria

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