On 11/13/14, Warren Young   wrote:
> On Nov 13, 2014, at 2:33 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>> On Nov 12 17:19, Warren Young wrote:
>>> I'm not advocating that step so early, but maybe if this breakup does
>>> happen, a few years later setup.exe can start applying some strong
>>> ACLs to files it writes.
>> ??? What "strong" ACLs?
> The ones that are not there right now. :)
> Just to pick a random example:
> $ ls -l /bin/ls.exe
> -rwxrwxr-x 1 Warren None 116253 Oct 13 10:12 /bin/ls.exe

Install cygwin as an admin & users don't get write access:
$ ls -l /bin/ls.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root None 101902 Feb  6  2012 /bin/ls.exe

> The same file's permissions, from Windows' perspective:
> http://etr-usa.com/cygwin/ls-perms.png
> So, just because I installed Cygwin with my regular user account,

You're doing it wrong.  Install Cygwin using an admin account and
regular user accounts are not allowed write access to system

$ cd /bin

$ touch foo
touch: cannot touch `foo': Permission denied

$ cd /usr

$ touch foo
touch: cannot touch `foo': Permission denied

> I get
> permission to rewrite ls.exe.  This is not a good thing,

In certain circumstances you're right; not a good thing.  If you have
an admin account on the machine, why didn't you install cygwin using
that account & have the permissions set correctly in the first place?
In other circumstances, like not having an admin account, it's nice
being able to install & use cygwin as a regular user vs. not having
access to cygwin at all.

> if our goal is to
> make Cygwin work like Linux while working *within* the Windows environment.
> IMHO, the way to meet both goals simultaneously is to put programs in
> c:\Program Files,

NOOOOOOOOOOOO!  Please, do not do that by default.  If nothing else,
directory names with embedded spaces should be treated like toxic

> and to give full-control perms to the local Administrator
> account in the SAM case, or possibly the domain one in the AD case.

Try installing cygwin as an admin.  I suspect you'll get most, if not
all, of what you're asking for.


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