Greetings, All!

Since some time ago, I started seeing Cygwin patch randomly leave files like
file.ext.oxugLoy behind. The files contain the supposedly patched version of
the original file, which was not replaced.

The problem is sporadic, and only reproducible from inside a script file. when
I run the same commands from the same terminal by hands, it always works.

Script file itself is very simple. Basically a bunch of lines

d2u file1.ext file2.ext file3.ext
patch -p 0 < "file1-3.ext.patch" || echo Fail.

Most patches are applied to more than one file.
At the same time, some files may get patched properly, while other leave these
strange leftovers.
It never "Fail.", but the files are left scattered, that are intended to be
moved in replacement.

The files ACLs are all the same and uninteresting.

$ getfacl file.ext
# file: file.ext
# owner: anrdaemon
# group: None

The only possible interesting moment is that the files are located on Samba
share. But it was working fine like 3-4 months ago, and nothing has been
changed in permission handling on the Samba end.

Anything I can check to move further?

Andrey Repin ( 02.12.2014, <15:31>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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