On Dec  2 16:52, Corinna Vinshen wrote:
> Ouch.  The handle in the parent got created non-inheritable.  That's
> bad if the handle is utilized in subsequent child processes which rely
> on being able to access the handle.
> I applied a patch and created a new developer snapshot on
> https://cygwin.com/snapshots/
> Please give it a try.

Thanks Corinna, that works perfectly!

On Dec  2 14:48, Corrina Vinshen wrote:
> Pity.  When I created the locking code I added lots and lots of comments
> in the hope that
>   a) other people would have a chance to understand how the code is
>      supposed to work and
>   b) *I* have a chance to understand how the code is supposed to work
>      after not looking at the code for a year or longer...

I should mention that I'm only a grad student with more of a focus in
hardware and computer architecture than softare, so I don't have much 
experience in Linux land yet. Give me a year or so on the job and I may
be able to understand and debug this kind of code. :)

Thanks again,
Kyle R.

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