On 1/3/2015 2:39 PM, Gery . wrote:

When installing mapcache in cygwin, `make` produced:

     /opt/mapcache/mapcache-rel-1-2-1/lib/core.c: In function 
     /opt/mapcache/mapcache-rel-1-2-1/lib/core.c:81:3: error: unknown type name 
        apr_thread_t **threads;
     /opt/mapcache/mapcache-rel-1-2-1/lib/core.c:82:3: error: unknown type name 
        apr_threadattr_t *thread_attrs;
     /opt/mapcache/mapcache-rel-1-2-1/lib/core.c:83:7: warning: unused variable 
‘nthreads’ [-Wunused-variable]
        int nthreads;
     /opt/mapcache/mapcache-rel-1-2-1/lib/core.c:82:21: warning: unused 
variable ‘thread_attrs’ [-Wunused-variable]
        apr_threadattr_t *thread_attrs;
     /opt/mapcache/mapcache-rel-1-2-1/lib/core.c:81:18: warning: unused 
variable ‘threads’ [-Wunused-variable]
        apr_thread_t **threads;

I searched for some hints about this error but didn't find anything. Looking 
for `apr_thread_t` and cywgin, I found some pages pointing to an error with 
apache, but not really sure if apache has something to do here.

have you installed the development package suggest here


thanks for any hints on this,


I guess you need this package


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