Greetings, The Sec Maestro!

> SSH Login, using 'tester' account (in Adminstrators group) to the Cygwin
> sshd server fails from a client machine which has ~/.ssh/id_rsa keys
> available.

Check permissions on the ~/.ssh directory and subsequent files. ssh is VERY
picky about them.
Both standard POSIX and ACL permissions.
Use setfacl -b option if necessary to strip unwanted extra ACE's.

> Login from the same client, without the id_rsa keys is successful. SSH
> locally (on cygwin box) is also successful.

> Comparison of the sshd logs (debugging enabled) of a good vs failure login
> shows that when id_rsa is enabled on the client, the following in the
> failure case:  

> debug1: temporarily_use_uid: 1000/513 (e=18/544)
> seteuid 1000: Operation not permitted

> This seem to be related to a permission related problem, but cygcheck_output
> though shows the 'tester' user is member of Administrators group.

> What am I missing?

Andrey Repin ( 05.01.2015, <08:23>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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