
 I am attempting to set up Cygwin for Cisco’s Disaster Recovery System
(9. 1.2.10000-28) to run SFTP backups through. I have followed this
guide that I found through online searches
and think I have everything set up correctly. I can use Filezilla
through port 22 and the user account I set up through the Cygwin
terminal to access the server I’d like to back up to. However when I
attempt to set up the DRS on Cisco’s site I get an error message
saying that “Update Failed: Unable to access SFTP server. Please
ensure the Username and Password are correct.”

I know what you’re thinking, “This is a Cisco Question, this guy sent
to the wrong list”. Well I talked to Cisco TAC and after the run
around they said to reach out to you folks because our CUCM is sending
in aes-128-cbc, whereas Cygwin is replying back with aes-128-ctr,
which they say is a mismatch and causing my problem. I checked my
ssh_config and aes128-cbc is listed under Ciphers. Is there a way to
change how Cygwin is replying? When searching I haven’t found a clear
command that lets me change the default.  Cisco’s suggestion was...

To check if aes-128-cbc is enable , go to C:\cygwin\etc\sshd_config
and check if the following line is there:

Ciphers aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr,arcfour256,aes128-cbc

If the line is there make sure you have aes128-cbc in there

...There was not a line specifying aes128-cbc in SSHD_Config, but as I
understand it that means it would go to the default which was in the
SSH_Config, which did include aes128-cbc. Cisco’s suggestion of copy
and pasting that line in the sshd_config didn’t work. Any help would
be greatly appreciated.

All the best,


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