Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] <BBuchbinder <at> niaid.nih.gov> writes:
>Paul sent the following at Tuesday, January 06, 2015 7:12 PM
>> I'm wading through many files in two file trees. In particular, I'm
>> looking at corresponding directories in the two trees where "diff
>> -qr" revealed differences. I want the absolute truth of what the
>> filename is with minimal distractions about how to achieve that.
>> Then, I can focus on figuring how those files came about, and how
>> the differences arose.
> Not a Cygwin solution but the following should give real names.
> cmd /c dir /b /a:
> (The /a: makes sure that hidden files are listed.)

That works great, Barry.  The following also works:

   cmd /c dir /b /a: | dos2unix | xargs ls -ltd

However, variation#1

   type -pa pdfcrop | xargs cmd /c dir /b /a:

doesn't work because dir expects DOS filenames (I suspect).


   type -pa pdfcrop | xargs cygpath -aw | xargs cmd /c dir /b /a:

doesn't work because the backward slashes are interpretted by Escapes
by bash.

Variation#3 (on *one* line):

   type -pa pdfcrop | xargs cygpath -aw -t mixed | xargs cmd /c dir /b

doesn't work because

   Parameter format not correct - "cygwin64"

To find out what was going on, I stuck an "echo" in front of cmd,
which yielded the following (on *one* line):

   cmd /c dir /b /a: C:/cygwin64/home/User.Name/bin/pdfcrop

I think the dir command is interpreting /cygwin64 as a command switch.

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