> I just updated the csih service installation helper package to 0.9.8-3.
> This bugfix release is supposed to address the problem adding a user
> account to the Administrators group if /etc/group contains a "root"
> group.  The script arbitrarily adding the "root" group will be changed
> soon, too.

Just curious ... both x86 and x86_64?



csih-debuginfo/                                    11-Dec-2014 10:44       -
csih-0.9.7-1-src.tar.bz2                           10-Dec-2014 20:03     68K
csih-0.9.7-1.tar.bz2                               10-Dec-2014 20:03    232K
csih-0.9.8-2-src.tar.xz                            11-Dec-2014 10:18     65K
csih-0.9.8-2.tar.xz                                11-Dec-2014 10:18    198K
md5.sum                                            11-Dec-2014 10:44     271
setup.hint                                         11-Dec-2014 10:18     503


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