> -----Original Message-----
> From: Larry Hall (Cygwin)
> On 01/12/2015 05:14 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> > On 1/12/2015 10:05 PM, ravi r wrote:
> >> The asqlcmd part of Advantage Database installation when invoked in
> >> c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe with no arguments displays a prompt as
> >> expected:
> >>      c:\Program Files (x86)\Advantage 11.10\ARC>asqlcmd
> >>      asqlcmd -? for usage information.
> >>      :quit to exit.
> >>      :help for available commands.
> >>      asqlcmd>
> >>
> >> The same command when invoked from cygwin hangs forever:
> >>
> >>      $ type asqlcmd
> >>      asqlcmd is hashed (/cygdrive/c/Program FIles (x86)/Advantage
> >> 11.10/ARC/asqlcmd)
> >>
> >>      $ asqlcmd
> >>
> >>
> >
> > https://code.google.com/p/mintty/issues/detail?id=56
> The common work-around for this issue is to use cmd.exe as the console and
> then run whatever shell you want to run.  This limits Linux-like terminal
> emulation but avoids Windows console-dependent behaviour, which is what
> asqlcmd is looking for.
Or in other words, the asqlcmd native executable cannot decipher the PTY
emulation within Cygwin so using mintty or rxvt will not work with the
native program  expecting a terminal.  Using cmd.exe instead of mintty when
executing native terminal commands is the only method that works.  I start
bash directly instead of using mintty in my desktop shortcut always using
the Windows console terminal with bash.

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