On 2015-01-22 14:19, David Rothenberger wrote:

Hans Deragon wrote:

When I run Cygwin subversion command (svn) with a Windows formatted path (C:dir1dir2...), for some reason it prepends the current directory (${PWD}) in Cygwin format (/cygdrive/c/...) to the target path in Windows format, causing the command to fail. Using a target path expressed in Cygwin format works fine.

I am the maintainer of Subversion for Cygwin. I do not have the time or
interest to try to patch this in Subversion. In general, I don't feel
the Cygwin tools have a responsibility to support Windows formatted paths.

I understand. Thank you for your reply, I will do without. I am just curious; is the problem really with svn? I thought that the Cygwin libraries are responsible for converting Windows path to Cygwin paths. I am surprised that svn has a different behavior depending of the path format; it suggests that some code of svn receives the Windows path instead of a converted Cygwin path, thus explaining the different behavior.

I am not at all a Cygwin expert and I am just speculating.

Best regards,
Hans Deraogn

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