On Feb  5 09:39, Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > Andrew Schulman wrote:
> > > What's a reliable and efficient way to determine programmatically if the 
> > > shell> that's running has elevated privileges?
> > 
> > > Or if you prefer, how can I tell if the shell was started with "Run as
> > > administrator"?
> > 
> > If you search the  mailing list archive for "Change PS1 when running as 
> > administrator" there are several suggested ways.
> Thanks.  Consensus there is to look for group ID 544, although as the other
> thread here shows, group 0 or 114 can also show it.

Preferredly you remove the "root" group from /etc/group or, even better,
you remove /etc/group ;)


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