On 4-12-2002 17:17, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
On Wed, 4 Dec 2002, Michael Schaap wrote:

On 4-12-2002 7:09, James Shaw wrote:

What I want to do is define an environment
variable so I can easily cd or ls.  E.g.
% PF="/cygdrive/c/Program Files"
% cd $PF
% ls $PF/Games
% ls $PF/G<tab completion!>


So, I ask the list:
       Can you define $PF so that cd $PF;
       ls $PF/Games; and ls $PF/G<tab> all work???
I'd do something like:

% ln -s '/cygdrive/c/Program Files' /programs
% PF=/programs

 - Michael

$ mount 'c:\Program Files' /programs

Yep, that's even better. But, I believe, in order to get TAB completion to work, you need to do:

$ mkdir /programs
$ mount 'c:\Program Files' /programs
$ PF=/programs

- Michael

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