>>>>> Christian Kellermann writes:

    > Hi Volker,


    > Thanks for your feedback! I do need further information (see below).

    > vz...@volkerzell.de (Dr. Volker Zell) writes:
    >> For both architectures chicken postinstall scripts fail.
    >> 32-bit:
    >> =======
    >> 2015/02/08 14:46:54 running: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile 
    >> Error: (require) cannot load extension: setup-download
    >> 2015/02/08 14:46:54 abnormal exit: exit code=70
    >> 2015/02/08 14:46:55 can't run /etc/postinstall/dconf.sh: No such file

    > I have identified and fixed this issue and I am about to release another
    > version. However:

    >> 64-bit:
    >> =======
    >> 2015/02/08 15:18:16 running: C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe --norc --noprofile 
    >> usage: chicken-install [OPTION | EXTENSION[:VERSION]] ...

    > I cannot reproduce this with my chicken- package. the content
    > of that postinstall script should be:

There is no more 64bit error. with chicken-

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