Can everybody fix permission about groups. Now I accidently try cygwin
1.7.35-3 and cannot install 1.7.33-1. It fail about  cannot find
_fset** in libint-8.dll.  The minty cannot start. So I have to use
1.7.34-6. And its permission is broken. So ssh,scp,git etc do not

Is there any solution to solve the ssh problem ( including git etc)?

2015-02-24 1:47 GMT+08:00 Corinna Vinschen <>:
> On Feb 23 10:22, John Hein wrote:
>> Corinna Vinschen |cygwin_ml_nodigest| wrote at 
>> 12:17 +0100 on Feb 23, 2015:
>>  > Come to think of it, it's probably really just slow.  The difference
>>  > between mkpasswd/mkgroup for domain accounts:
>>  >
>>  > 1.7.33:
>>  >
>>  >   Calls NetUserEnum/NetGroupEnum,NetLocalGroupEnum with maximum Buffer
>>  >   size.
>>  >
>>  > 1.7.34+:
>>  >
>>  >   Calls an LDAP enumerator fetching 100 SIDs per call.
>>  >   For each SID:
>>  >     Call LookupAccountSid.
>>  >     For each User:
>>  >       Depending on nsswitch.conf, call LDAP to fetch the extended passwd
>>  >       info (pw_shell, pw_home, pw_gecos).
>>  >
>>  > I guess there's some room for improvement.
>>  >
>>  > OTOH, keep in mind that you're not suppsoed to call mkpasswd/mkgroup
>>  > to enumerate your entire organization.  If you're using it at all, then
>>  > only to create the required entries in /etc/passwd and /etc/group for
>>  > your local acocunt to work, and then leave everything else to the "db"
>>  > setting.
>> Fair enough.  I'll stop stress testing mkpasswd and consider this
>> closed unless there's something we want to try.
>> But 1.7.33 seems much faster (if you can call 50 minutes fast) at it
>> than 1.7.34-6 or 1.7.35-0.3 in this large-ish AD.  Maybe a knob to
>> specify buffer size and/or some other knobs might help identifying the
>> slowest parts (and/or some stats).  Just a thought.
> I'll have a look into improving the stuff for sure.  I think this
> requires to limit the number of LDAP calls in the first place.  Rather
> then fetching SIDs only, the enumerator should fetch all required account
> information immediately, so the number of LDAP calls will be
>   #accounts / 100 == 80
> rather than the today's
>   #accounts 100 + #accounts == 8080.
> The extra 8000 LookupAccountSid calls would go away, too.
>> I'll add that the 1.7.34-6 'strace mkpasswd -d' that I had started
>> above finished in 20+ hours and spewed ~3500 of ~8000 entries.
> It may be a restriction on your server.  There're often settings
> limiting the number of calls per client.
> Corinna
> --
> Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
> Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Red Hat

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