On 2/25/2015 2:20 PM, Roger Orr wrote:
Good work -- at least in my environment ;-)

20150225 DLL:
mkgroup 0.63s
mkpasswd 0.289s

compared to

20150220 DLL:
mkgroup 45.8s
mkpasswd: 4572.7s

Output is
  mkgroup: 53kb, 681 lines
  mkpasswd: 132kb, 1081 lines.

And the output *is* the same :-)

Can somebody summarize where we're at here. I've been noticing all this email about slow startup and I'm excited by the inclusion of domain accounts using /etc/nsswitch.conf, etc. I downloaded a newer version of Cygwin a few weeks ago (I'm seeing 1.7.34) and I experienced the slowdown myself. Unfortunately I'm too busy to actively participate but it looks like some good progress has been made. Should I update or is everything still in snapshots?

Thanks in advance.
Andrew DeFaria

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