>Betreff: Re: diff -r won't recurse
>Datum: Sat, 04 Apr 2015 20:29:40 +0200
>Von: "lemke...@t-online.de" <lemke...@t-online.de>
>An: cygwin@cygwin.com
>>On Sat, 04 Apr 2015 20:09:56 +0200 I wrote:
>>On Fri, 03 Apr 2015 16:50:09 +0200  Andrey Repin wrote:
>>>> I've got a strange problem: diff -r /d /g won't recurse into the two 
>>>> directories.  /d and /g are the
>>>> roots of two disks where /g is a clone (disk2vhd) of /d.  ls -R and other 
>>>> tools have no problems
>>>> to walk the tree.  strace doesn't give me a clue.  Any ideas?
>>Yes, that's what I expected.  And Erwin Waterlander suggested:
>>> there are no differences
>>> ;)
>>I wish it were so.  Nevertheless (-s lists identical files):
>>orion> diff -q -r -s /d/Program\ Files /g/Program\ Files
>>orion> ls /d/Program\ Files /g/Program\ Files
>>/d/Program Files:
>>7-Zip                                        GPS-Track-Analyse-6              
>>                  PlotSoft
>>... snipped.
>>/g/Program Files:
>>7-Zip                                        GPS-Track-Analyse-6              
>>                  PlotSoft
>>... more snipped.
>>I am sure this got something to do with this being on a cloned disk running 
>>in a XP 
>>virtual machine (vmplayer on Win 8,1).
>Clutching at straws (note the identical serial number, does it confuse 
> orion> /usr/lib/csih/getVolInfo.exe /g
>Device Type        : 7
>Characteristics    : 20
>Volume Name        : <ND D (HDD)>
>Serial Number      : 3357258338
> orion> /usr/lib/csih/getVolInfo.exe /d
>Device Type        : 7
>Characteristics    : 20
>Volume Name        : <ND D (HDD)>
>Serial Number      : 3357258338

This was it.  I changed the Volume Serial Number with a Sysinternals tool
and after a reboot diff now recurses into the directories in question.

Now is this a Cygwin bug or am I doing something terribly unsupported?


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