On 4/8/2015 1:49 PM, Christoph Weise wrote:
I am porting to cygwin a program in FORTRAN/C that relies on C routines to 
create a shared memory region allowing various independent FORTRAN routines to 
share data. Program compiles and runs ok on Linux with g77/gcc compilers. I am 
compiling on cygwin 1.7.33-2(0.280/5/3)with gfortran/gcc (4.8.3).

One C routine creates the shared memory section of a user-defined size. This 
seems to work just fine, although I had to add two lines to the sys/shm.h file:

#define SHM_R        0400        /* or S_IRUGO from <linux/stat.h> */
#define SHM_W        0200        /* or S_IWUGO from <linux/stat.h> */

don't do that.

Instead use S_IRUSR, S_IWUSR and companions:


The shm library functions seem to return reasonable info (page size and 
address, for removal of the shm section).

Each FORTRAN routine then calls a C routine to find the shared memory, with a C 
routine returning pointers to two positions in the section intended for 
different kinds of data:

#define PAGESIZE 1024

int findshm(char**pptr,  /* Address of the parameter pointer */
            float**cptr)  /* Address of the data pointer */

....calls to shm library functions ....

shmaddr =0;
p =shmat(shmid,shmaddr,(SHM_R |SHM_W));
*pptr =p;
*cptr =(float*)(p +PAGESIZE);
return npages;

The calling FORTRAN code looks like this:

integer pptr,cptr
integer npages
npages =findshm(pptr,cptr)

Although the total size of the created memory section npages is ok, the amount 
of memory following cptr is too small on cygwin (but not in Linux) and the 
program crashes for larger datasets with

Program received signal SIGSEGV:Segmentationfault -invalid memory reference.

Thinking it might have to do with the different underlying data types for the 
pointers (integer vs char/float) in the C versus FORTRAN code, I tried changing 
the type definitions of the pointers within the FORTRAN routines to

byte pptr
real*4 cptr

and it all compiles and runs, but gives exactly the same runtime error, and 
doesn't explain why the program works in Linux.

The pointer cptr is passed to FORTRAN subroutines as

real cbuf(*)

Not sure what I can do at this point (what to look out for, where to get help), 
so input appreciated.

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