On 4/29/2015 12:04 PM, Andrey Repin wrote:
Greetings, Hans Horn!

I'm trying to attach gdb to a running process (binary compiled with -g
-ggdb -Og). I got: "sigfe.s: No such file or directory"

What is sigfe.s and what do I make of this message?


Update: I upgraded cygwin to the latest (v2) version.

Now I'm getting in addition the following

warning: the debug information found in
"/lib/debug//usr/bin/cyggfortran-3.dll.dbg" does not match
"/usr/bin/cyggfortran-3.dll" (CRC mismatch).


warning: the debug information found in
"/lib/debug//usr/bin/cygquadmath-0.dll.dbg" does not match
"/usr/bin/cygquadmath-0.dll" (CRC mismatch).

I should have also mentioned that the offending binary is fortran
compiled with gfortran v4.9.3

Did you also install the relevant debug packages?

Dear Andrey,

I do think so! How else would I have these cyg*.dll.dbg?

-rwx---r-x 1 hans hans 594632 Mar 3 10:07 /lib/debug//usr/bin/cygquadmath-0.dll.dbg -rwx---r-x 1 hans hans 3526482 Mar 3 10:07 /lib/debug//usr/bin/cyggfortran-3.dll.dbg

-rwx---r-x 1 hans hans 497181 Feb 23 17:07 /usr/bin/cygquadmath-0.dll
-rwx---r-x 1 hans hans 1023517 Feb 23 17:06 /usr/bin/cyggfortran-3.dll

Anyhow, looking more closely, I noticed the different file dates. Manually removing the above and re-installing all gcc + gcc debuginfo packages solved the issue. The sigfe.s problem has gone as well as the CRC mismatches.

thx. for making me look more closely!


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