Achim Gratz writes:
> I'm having problems with some bash scripts that were developed (not be
> me) and working OK in Cygwin 1.6.x versions, but not in 1.7.x (tested on
> 1.7.6, 1.7.7 and the latest snapshot).  After some gnashing of teeth and
> pulling of hair I've whittled it down to a problem with named pipe
> handling in bash.  Sifting through the archives of the mailing lists
> didn't provide much clues.  I realize from earlier discussions that
> named pipes aren't fully supported, but some examples of programs and
> scripts seem to indicate that they should at least work on a basic
> level.
> I've tried both the current and the just announced experimental version
> of bash and both Windows7/CoreDuo and WinXP/TurionX2 (I don't think the
> dual cores have something to do with the problem, but if necessary I
> should be able to at least boot the WinXP machine with only a single
> core enabled).
> $ mkfifo /tmp/pipe
> $ ( sleep 10; echo -n "blafasel "; date; sleep 10; cat < /tmp/pipe )&
> $ echo -n "dingdong "; date; exec 6> /tmp/pipe; echo -n "blumblum "; date
> $ echo -n "hurrdurr " >&6; date
> Running this on Linux outputs as expected:
> dingdong Sa 22. Jan 20:41:45 CET 2011
> blafasel Sa 22. Jan 20:41:55 CET 2011
> blumblum Sa 22. Jan 20:42:05 CET 2011
> hurrdurr Sa 22. Jan 20:42:05 CET 2011
> On Cygwin, I get this:
> dingdong Sa 22. Jan 20:41:45 CET 2011
> blumblum Sa 22. Jan 20:41:45 CET 2011
> blafasel Sa 22. Jan 20:41:55 CET 2011
> cat: -: Communication error on send

Blast from the past!  I've just tested this again with Cygwin 2.0 and it
finally works correctly.

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