On Wed, 2015-05-20 at 18:09 -0500, Steven Penny wrote:
> On Wed, May 20, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
> > * Just after the last Cygwin tcl/tk release, upstream decided to
> > "improve" Cygwin support by further hybridizing it, going in the exact
> > opposite direction we went with the switch to a fully *NIX/X11 8.5.  I
> > have done my best to undo all these changes (which were extensive), but
> > please let me know if something was missed.
> Am I reading this right in that "tcl" and "tcl-tk" packages no longer require
> X11?

No, *upstream* tried to hybridize Tcl/Tk by supporting *both* Win32/GDI
and *NIX/X11 APIs through some very ugly hacks.  I undid those to make
it pure *NIX/X11 again, as it should on Cygwin.


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