On Mon, 2015-06-01 at 09:30 -0700, John Marsh wrote:
> You have to run vim several times in the same terminal for the fault to
> occur.  I launch bash from a desktop shortcut, and it appears to be using
> the conhost process.  My bash terminal is configured with white background
> and black text, and vim is configured with a light background.  I've been
> using cygwin since it first came out, and I've always launched bash and vim
> this way, and never seen this problem before.  In fact I have another
> Windows 7 computer with an older version of cygwin that works fine.  So it
> seems that a bug has been introduced along the line.  I'm wondering if it
> has something to to with the ongoing terminal issues I've seen discussed in
> the mailing list.
> I would like to submit a detailed problem report.  How is this done?



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