On 5 June 2015 at 06:46, Qian Hong wrote:
> I'm working on a Wine bug: git.exe from msys2 fail to clone https repo
> https://bugs.wine-staging.com/show_bug.cgi?id=348
> <snip>
> I understand msys2 is not cygwin, but I think they are similar enough
> so I'm trying to seeking for help here, if there is anything not sure
> I can retest on Cygwin later.


Cygwin and msys2 are sufficiently different that I wouldn't want to
start debugging this from a Cygwin point of view. Further, the problem
here may be something to do with the options that that version of Git
was compiled with, which we have no idea about.

If you can reproduce this behaviour using Cygwin and the version of
Git distributed with Cygwin, we can start looking at that. If you do,
please include all the details asked for in


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