On Jul 2, 2015, at 5:14 PM, Richard Heintze <sieg_hein...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> There used to be a very handy cygwin program called expand for expanding tabs 
> into spaces. 

expand(1) goes way, way back before Cygwin.  Not as far back as V7 Unix.  Maybe 

> I tried searching the archives for it but there were too many hits for other 
> topics ("expand" is a common word, apparently). 

The proper way to search for such a thing is to put “expand.exe” into the 
Cygwin Package Search:


It tells you it’s in coreutils.

That’s in Base, so if that didn’t get installed, or expand.exe got removed 
afterward, your Cygwin installation may be broken.  I’d force a reinstall of 
coreutils, and maybe everything else in Base, too.

> Has it been taken away? I hope not!

It pretty much can’t be taken away; it’s required by POSIX:


> How can I get a command line interface for expanding tabs into spaces that I 
> can easily use from VI?

You don’t have to, actually.  Say :set expandtab.  Now you don’t need expand(1) 
at all. :)

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