On 2015-07-11 22:44, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> Am 11.07.2015 um 20:11 schrieb James Darnley:
>> On 2015-07-11 13:59, Thomas Wolff wrote:
>>> Am 11.07.2015 um 02:52 schrieb James Darnley:
>>>> Hi Thomas
>>>> Unfortunately I have a complaint to make.
>>>> When using the latest Mintty release I can no longer use the mouse to
>>>> resize split windows in Vim.  In 1.1.3, I can drag any window separator
>>>> around to change the size of them.  In 2.0.2 Aim appears to interpret
>>>> the mouse as trying to make a visual section in one window.
>>>> I tried quickly to narrow down which commit might have introduced the
>>>> problem using git bisect, unfortunately it was slowed down by some
>>>> commits not compiling.  However it did lead to producing this message.
>>>>> 4765275a7cfd9fadc74aedc1191de5390fa11c09 is the first bad commit
>>>>> commit 4765275a7cfd9fadc74aedc1191de5390fa11c09
>>>>> Author: Thomas Wolff <min...@users.noreply.github.com>
>>>>> Date:   Tue Jun 16 14:45:20 2015 +0200
>>>>>       fix restructuring
>>>> If I checkout the commit immediately preceding this the mouse works
>>>> as I
>>>> expect.  I cannot explain why this might be the case as it looks like
>>>> there are no relevant code changes in that commit.
>>>> I will try to investigate some more but I wanted to let you know.
>>> The commit you refer to did not change any actual code, so maybe
>>> something in the environment is involved.
>>> Please describe a reproducible test case. How would you setup split
>>> windows in vim? How would you try to resize them?
>>> Also, did you use one of the new mouse options, like MiddleClickAction?
>>> Thomas
>> I don't know if you know vim so this might be verbose.
>> To make a vertical split, run the command :vs
>> To open vim with a vertical split: vim -O file1 file2
>> (That is a literal colon, v, and s and an uppercase letter O)
>> To make a horizontal split, run the command :sp
>> To open vim with a vertical split: vim -o file1 file2
>> (That is a literal colon, s, and p and an lowercase letter O)
>> To resize (when it works) just left click on the separator and drag.
>> Much like resizeable frames in a web page or a Windows window border
>> (but you don't get the double ended arrow cursor)
> Hi James,
> thanks for the step-by-step description. I cannot reproduce, however, a
> working resize. I've tried with mintty 1.1.3 (freshly compiled, should
> that make a difference) on cygwin-32, and mintty 1.2 on cygwin-64.
> With a horizontal split, vim does not show me any separator at all.
> With a vertical split, there is a vertical bar ("|") separator, but
> nothing happens on click-and-drag. Is some additional vim configuration
> needed to enable that feature? General mouse enabling perhaps? (I once
> heard this would need to be fiddled about in vim and emacs and I wonder
> why these traditional editors make basic things so troublesome for the
> users; my own editor, mined, provides all mouse functions
> out-of-the-box...)
> Please, additional details.
> Regards,
> Thomas

Ah yes, there is a config option for the mouse.  Actually a bit of quick
testing shows that two are needed.  You can either run these two command
or set them in vimrc.
:set nocompatible
:set mouse=a

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