On 7/30/2015 8:44 AM, Fergus wrote:

What is it that generates the **absolutely massive** /usr/share/icons/?
I've had a hunt through "requires:" in setup.ini but got lost.

$ du -sh /usr/share/icons
114M /usr/share/icons

These icon directories have a _lot_ of symlinks, did you perhaps copy your
installation and flatten them?

Thank you.
$ du -sh /usr/share/icons/
1.5G /usr/share/icons/
I did not intentionally flatten them, but I must have: 1.5G >> 114M.
Unflattening is presumably not possible (how would it be driven?) so: I had 
better re-install and hope that multiple symlinks are recovered. ‎
Can you say what original package installation might have induced this 

These commands will give you a hint.

On my system 2 packages only have more the 5000 files

$ zgrep -c "usr/share/icons/" /etc/setup/*.gz |grep -v ":0$"

 $ du -hs /usr/share/icons/*
25M     /usr/share/icons/Adwaita
80M     /usr/share/icons/gnome
157K    /usr/share/icons/handhelds
332K    /usr/share/icons/hicolor
1.6M    /usr/share/icons/redglass
8.0K    /usr/share/icons/Singular.png
2.2M    /usr/share/icons/whiteglass

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