On 2015-08-04, Xealot wrote:
> Hello!
> There seems to be a possible bug with cygwin 2.2.0 in xterm terminal
> mode (default) and using vim 7.4.764 with syntax highlighting enabled.
> To verify and reproduce:
> echo "syntax on" >> ~/.vimrc
> vim -E
> The prompt at the bottom should now show an escape sequence:
> Entering Ex mode.  Type "visual" to go to Normal mode.
> :]11;rgb:0000/0000/0000\
> This causes issues when using vim as normal in this configuration
> because the inserted escape sequence seems to replace the first
> character in a given document with a 'g' when opened.
> The problem goes away when changing terminal type to vt100 or vt220 or
> if you downgrade vim to revision 752 available on some mirrors through
> the setup.

There is at least one bug in that version having to do with the
automatic querying of the terminal's background color introduced
with patch 7.4.757.  There have been two subsequent patches that
have fixed all known issues with that feature, 7.4.766 and 7.4.770.

Updating to version 7.4.770 or later should fix the problem.


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