On 28/08/2015 15:42, Nellis, Kenneth wrote:
I appreciate the response and the provided script, but
the question remains whether I am doing something wrong
(and what!) or if setup.exe just isn't working as
expected (bug?).

Specifically, in the Target field of my shortcut's
properties, I have:

C:\Users\knellis\Installers\Cygwin\setup-x86_64.exe -d -N -s 

And, I've tried with and without the trailing slash
in the URL. No matter, it complains with:

It seems you are not using the right URL.  Try

-s "http://mirror.cs.vt.edu/pub/cygwin/cygwin/";

This is what the link on https://cygwin.com/mirrors.html points to.

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