On Thu, 2015-09-10 at 22:52 +0200, HK wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Sep 2015 13:19:04 +0200, V?clav_Haisman wrote:
> > On 10 September 2015 at 01:30, HK wrote:
> >> I've just run across this strange behavior on a recent 32bit  
> >> installation:
> >>
> >>  vega> cat hello.c
> >> #include <stdio.h>
> >> int main(int argc, char** argv){
> >> printf("hello world\n");
> >> }
> >>  vega> gcc -mfpmath=sse hello.c
> >> hello.c:1:0: warning: SSE instruction set disabled, using 387  
> >> arithmetics
> >
> > Does it help to use `-march=native`? My hunch is that this is because
> > the default CPU type is set to such that does not have SSE.
> Yep, that did the trick. Thanks for the suggestion. Now, is this a gcc  
> build problem?  The 64bit version doesn't need -march=native and that is on
> the same computer.

It's not a bug.  SSE and SSE2 are part of the core x86_64 instruction


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