On Fri, 11 Sep 2015 12:48:59 +0000
Nellis, Kenneth <...> wrote:

> FWIW, back in 2012 there was a discussion on this behavior of sed.
> Apparently strong enough arguments were made to retain this behavior.
> http://sourceware.org/ml/cygwin/2012-02/msg00301.html

Hello, Ken.
Thank you for the notice about that thread. I didn't know about it.
As far as I understand that conversation, Paolo Bonzini changed the default 
open mode from 'rt' to 'r'.
And as it can be observed from the sed's sources now there are to variants for 
the value of the
global variable that is used to set file open mode for all read operations: "r" 
by default and "rb"
if the -b command flag is set.

So there is no text mode forcing as it has been and it is up to the underlying 
Cygwin level
in which actual mode the file to be opened. I suppose a package maintainer can 
also choose
which specific Cygwin library the application can be linked against to set the 
default open modes for it.

We have a shell pipeline here (basically it is a pipe or a FIFO file) which is 
normally expected to be opened in binary mode (and according to Cygwin user's 
guide pipes, sockets and non-file devices are opened in binary mode). Therefore 
I think it looks like a bug.


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