On 24/09/2015 18:24, lit...@null.net wrote:
>> On 24/09/2015 11:57, lit...@null.net wrote:
>>> Obviously something is. The FAQ entry does not mention performance, but 
>>> real failures.
>>> How to further diagnose this?
> I took the plunge and spent almost a full day trying to find the cause.
> 1. Booting into Safe Mode gave a huge performance boost
> 2. By eliminating all services and programs in Normal Mode, one-by-one, I 
> found the offender:
> turns out that Comodo Firewall (Free version) loads a DLL in each process 
> that is the cause of the delay.
> Although I only use the Firewall, and do not use any "AntiVirus" features, 
> still it causes delay during startup of a process.
> However, after disabling it -- which did speed up process spawning in Bash -- 
>  I encountered the other problem I already had much more often.
> For now I consider the issue of slow spawning to be solved
> (although it would have been nice if there was an easier way to diagnose it, 
> maybe with tracing?)

Comodo firewall pro is listed in 
Looks as if the free version should be listed too.

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